§Graduate students, * Undergraduate students, ¶Postdocs
Lucatero A§, Jha S, Philpott SM. (2024) Local habitat complexity and its effects on herbivores and natural enemies in urban agroecosystems. Insects, 15(1): 41 DOI
Lucatero A§, Smith NR*, Bichier P, Liere H, Philpott SM. (2024) Shifts in host-parasitoid networks across garden management and urban landscape gradients. Ecosphere, in press
Lucatero A§, Philpott SM. (2024) Biodiversity and Pest Control Services. In: Scheiner SM, editor. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, 3nd edition. Vol 3: 400-416., Oxford, Elsevier.
Philpott SM, Bichier P, Fowler R*, Jha S, BB Lin, Liere H. (2024) Landscape, habitat, and microhabitat influences on predator abundance and composition and prey removal in urban agroecosystems. Biological Control, 188: 105426. DOI
Cowal S§, Morris J, Jiménez-Soto ME, Philpott SM. (2023) Naturally occurring vegetation connectivity facilitates ant-mediated coffee berry borer removal. Insects 14(11), 869 DOI
del-Val, E, Philpott SM, Lucatero A§, Fowler R, Cowal S§, Hsu J. (2023) Importance of insect pest biocontrol for maize production: An expert survey. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems. 47(9): DOI
Jha S, Egerer MH§, Bichier P, Cohen H§, Liere H, Lin BB, Lucatero A§, Philpott SM. (2023) Multiple ecosystem service synergies and landscape-mediation of biodiversity within urban agroecosystems. Ecology Letters. 26: 369-383 DOI
Kolze AL§, Philpott SM, Rivera L, Armbrecht I. (2023) Campesino and indigenous women conserve floral richness for pollinators for aesthetic reasons. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. in press DOI
Lipton S§, Meyer R, Richardson G, Philpott SM. (2023) Onthophagus taurus increases soil microbes associated with nutrient cycling in California pastureland soils. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 91: 24-29 DOI
Perfecto I, Philpott SM. (2023) Ants and ecosystem functions and services in urban areas: A reflection on a diverse literature. Myrmecological News. 33: 103-122 DOI
Philpott SM, Bichier P, Perez G*, Jha S, Liere H, Lin BB. (2023) Land tenure security and luxury support plant species and trait biodiversity in urban community gardens. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 7: 1195737 DOI
Philpott SM, Lucatero A§, Andrade S, Hernandez C, Bichier P. (2023) Promoting beneficial arthropods in urban agroecosystems: focus on flowers, maybe not native plants. Insects. 14: art 576. DOI
Catzim V§, Philpott SM, Hénaut Y, García-Arellano A, Pérez-Lachaud G. (2022) Local and landscape predictors of coccinellid richness, abundance, and community composition along a rural-urban gradient in Qintana Roo, Mexico. Biotropica 54: 776-788. DOI
Cohen H§, Egerer ME§, Thomas S-S*, Philpott SM. (2022) Local and landscape features constrain the trait and taxonomic diversity of urban bees. Landscape Ecology 37: 583-599 DOI
Cohen H§, Ponisio, L, Russell KA, Philpott SM, McFrederick QS. (2022) Floral resources shape parasite and pathogen dynamics in bees facing urbanization. Molecular Ecology 31: 2157-2171 DOI
Egerer ME§, Philpott SM. (2022) Tidy and messy management alters natural enemy communities and pest control in urban agroecosystems. PLoS One 17(9): e0274122. DOI
Ivers NA, Jordan Z*, Cohen H§, Tripodi A, Brown M, Liere H, Lin BB, Philpott SM, Jha S. (2022) Parasitism of urban bumble influenced by pollinator taxonomic richness, local garden management, and surrounding impervious cover. Urban Ecosystems 25: 1169-1179. DOI
McMunn MS¶, Hudson AI, Zemenick AT, Egerer MH§, Bennent L, Philpott SM, Vannette RL. Thermal sensitivity and seasonal change in the gut microbiome of a desert ant, Cephalotes rohweri. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 98: fiac062 DOI
Moreaux C, Meireles DAL, Sonne J, Badano EI, Classen A, González-Chaves A, Hipólito J, Klein A-M, Maruyama PK, Metzger JP, Philpott SM, Rahbek C, Saturni FT, Sritongchuay T, Tscharntke T, Uno S, Vergara CH, Viana BF, Strange N, Dalsgaard B. (2022) The value of dense forest for biotic pollination of Arabica coffee: a global assessment. Agriculture, Ecosystems, & Environment 323: article107680. DOI
Ong TW-Y¶, Lin BB, Lucatero A§, Cohen H§, Bichier P, Egerer MH§, Daniue A, Jha S, Philpott SM, Liere H. Rarity begets rarity: Social and environmental drivers of rare organisms in cities. Ecological Applications. in press DOI
Armstrong J§, Kulikowski A§, Philpott SM. (2021) Urban renewable energy and ecosystems: integrating vegetation with ground mounted solar arrays increases arthropod abundance of key functional groups. Urban Ecosystems 24: 621-631. DOI
Cohen H§, Philpott SM, Liere H, Lin BB, Jha S (2021) The relationship between pollinator community and pollination services is mediated by floral abundance in urban landscapes. Urban Ecosystems 24: 275-290 DOI
Jedlicka J, Philpott SM, Baena Hurtado ML, Bichier P, Dietsch TV, Hayward L, Langridge S, Perfecto, Greenberg R. (2021) Differences in insectivore bird diets in coffee agroecosystems driven by obligate or generalist guild, shade management, season, and year. PeerJ 9:e12296.
O’Connell M, Jordan Z*, McGilvray E, Cohen H§, Liere H, Lin BB, Philpott SM, Jha S. (2021) Reap what you sow: local plant composition mediates bumblebee foraging patterns within urban garden landscapes. Urban Ecosystems 24: 391-404. DOI
Cohen H§, McFrederick QS, Philpott SM (2020) Environment shapes the microbiome of the Blue Orchard Bee, Osmia lignaria. Microbial Ecology 80: 897-907. DOI
Dáttilo W, … Philpott SM… (39 total authors) (2020) MEXICO ANTS: incidence and abundance along the Nearctic-Neotropical interface. Ecology. 101(4): e02944
de Queiroz ACM, Rabello AM, Braga D, Santiago G, Zurlo L, Philpott SM, Ribas CR (2020) Cerrado vegetation types determine how land use impacts ant biodiversity. Biodiversity and Conservation 29: 2017-2034. DOI
Egerer MH§, Liere H, Lucatero A§, Philpott SM (2020) Plant damage in urban agroecosystems varies with local and landscape factors. Ecosphere. 11(3):e03074. DOI
Liere H, Egerer M, Sanchez C*, Bichier P, Philpott SM (2020) Social context influence on urban gardener perceptions of pests and management practices. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4:547877. DOI
Mayorga I*, Bichier P, Philpott SM (2020) Local and landscape drivers of bird abundance, species richness, and trait composition in urban agroecosystems. Urban Ecosystems. 23: 495-505. DOI
Philpott SM, Bichier P, Egerer M§, Cohen H§, Cohen R, Liere H, Jha S, Lin BB (2020) Gardener demographics, experience, and motivations drive differences in plant species richness and composition in urban gardens. Ecology and Society. 25:8. DOI
Philpott SM, Lucatero A§, Bichier P, Egerer M§, Lin BB, Jha S, Liere H (2020) Natural enemy-herbivore networks along local management and landscape gradients in urban agroecosystems. Ecological Applications e02201. DOI
Philpott SM, Jha S, Lucatero A§, MH Egerer, Liere H (2020) Complex ecological interactions and ecosystem services in urban agroecosystems. In Egerer MH, Cohen H, editors. Urban Agroecology: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Understand the Science, Practice, and Movement. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida.
Cely Santos SM§, Philpott SM. (2019) Local and landscape habitat influences on bee diversity in agricultural landscapes in Anolaima, Colombia. Journal of Insect Conservation, 23: 133-146. DOI
Ennis KE§, Philpott SM. (2019) Seasonal and microhabitat differences alter predation of a globally disruptive coffee pest. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 284: 106597. DOI
Jimenez-Soto E§, Morris J, Letourneau D, Philpott SM. Vegetation connectivity increases ant activity and potential for ant-provided biocontrol services in a tropical agroforest. Biotropica 51: 50-61. DOI
Liere H, Egerer MH§, Philpott SM. (2019) Environmental and spatial filtering of ladybird beetle community composition and functional traits in urban landscapes. Journal of Urban Ecology. 5: juz014. DOI
Philpott SM, Albuquerque S*, Bichier P, Cohen H§, Egerer MH§, Kirk C*, Will KW. (2019). Local and landscape drivers of carabid activity, species richness, and traits in urban gardens in the California Central Coast. Insects, 10, 112. DOI
Rivera Pedroza LF§, Vargas GA, Escobar F, Philpott SM, Armbrecht I. (2019) The role of natural vegetation strips in sugarcane monocultures: Ant and bird functional diversity responses. Agriculture, Ecosystems, & Environment. 284: 106603. DOI
Vandermeer H, Armbrecht I, de la Mora A§, Ennis KK§, Gonthier DJ§, Hajian-Forooshani Z, Hsieh H-Y, Iverson A, Jackson D, Jha S, Jiménez-Soto E§, Lopez-Bautista G, Larsen A*, Li K, Liere H, MacDonald A, Marín L, Mathis KA§, Monagan I, Morris J, Ong T, Pardee GL*, Rivera IS, Williams-Guillen K, Yitbarek S, Uno S, Zemenick A, Philpott SM, Perfecto I. (2019) The Community ecology of herbivore regulation in an agroecosystem: Lessons from complex systems. BioScience. 69(12): 974-996. DOI
Yitbarek S, Philpott SM. (2019) Arboreal twig-nesting ants form dominance hierarchies over nesting resources. PeerJ. 7:e8124. DOI
Arnan X, Andersen A, Gibb H, Parr C, Sanders N, Dunn R, Angulo E, Baccaro F, Bishop T, Boulay R, Castracani C, Cerdá X, Del Toro I, Dilsinne T, Donoso D, Elten E, Fayle T, Fitzpatrick M, Gómez C, Grasso D, Grossman B, Guénard B, Gunawardene N, Heterick B, Hoffmann B, Janda M, Jenkins C, Klimes P, Lach L, Laeger T, Leponce M, Lucky A, Majer J, Menke S, Mezger D, Mori A, Moses M, Caswell Munyai T, Paknia O, Pfeiffer, Philpott S, Souza L, Tista M, Vasconcelos H, Retana J. (2018) Dominance-diversity relationships in ant communities differ with invasion. Global Change Biology 24(10): 4614-4625. DOI
Egerer MH§, Liere H, Bichier P, Philpott SM. (2018) Cityscape quality and resource manipulation affect natural enemy biodiversity in and fidelity to urban agroecosystems. Landscape Ecology 33: 985-998. DOI
Egerer MH§, Liere H, Lin BB, Jha S, Bichier P, Philpott SM. (2018) Herbivore regulation in urban agricultural systems: direct and indirect effects. Basic & Applied Ecology, 29: 44-54. DOI
Egerer MH§, Lin BB, Philpott SM. (2018) Water use behavior, learning and adaptation potential in urban gardens. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 2:71. DOI
Egerer MH§, Philpott SM, Bichier P, Jha S, Liere H Lin BB. (2018) Gardener wellbeing along social and biophysical landscape gradients. Sustainability 10: 96. DOI
Egerer MH§, Philpott SM, Liere H, Jha S, Bichier P, Lin BB. (2018) People or Place? Neighborhood opportunity influences community garden soil properties and soil-based ecosystem services. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 14: 32-44. DOI
Karp D, Chaplin-Kramer R, Meehan TD, Martin T, …Philpott SM… (53 total authors). Crop pests and predators exhibit inconsistent responses to surrounding landscape composition. PNAS, 115: E7863-E7870. DOI
Lin BB, Egerer MH§, Liere H, Jha S, Bichier P, Philpott SM. (2018) Local- and landscape-scale land cover affect microclimate and water use in urban gardens. Science of the Total Environment, 610-611: 570-575. DOI
Lin BB, Egerer MH§, Liere H, Jha S, Philpott SM. (2018) Soil management is key to maintaining soil moisture in urban gardens facing climatic conditions. Scientific Reports, 8: Article # 17656. DOI
Morales H, Ferguson BG, Marín, LE, Navarete Gutiérrez, D, Bichier P, Philpott SM. (2018) Agroecological pest management in the city: experiences from California and Chiapas. Sustainability 10, 2068. DOI
Morris JR, Jiménez-Soto E, Philpott SM, Perfecto I. (2018) Ant-mediated biological control of the coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari): diversity, ecological complexity, and conservation biocontrol. Myrmecological News 26: 1-17. DOI
Olimpi EM§, Philpott SM. (2018) Agroecological farming practices promote bats. Agriculture, Ecosystems, & Environment 265: 282-291. DOI
Philpott SM, Serber Z*, De la Mora A§. (2018) Influences of species interactions with aggressive ants and habitat filtering on nest colonization and community composition of arboreal twig-nesting ants. Environmental Entomology 47: 309-317. DOI
Rivera Salinas IS*, Hajian-Forooshani Z, Jiménez-Soto E§, Cruz Rodriguez, JA, Philpott SM. (2018) High intermediary mutualist density provides consistent biological control in a tripartite mutualism. Biological Control, 118: 26-31. DOI
Burks J*, Philpott SM. (2017) Local and landscape drivers of parasitoid abundance, richness, and composition in urban gardens. Environmental Entomology, 46: 201-209. DOI
Clough Y, Philpott SM, Tschartnke T. (2017) Services and disservices of ant communities in tropical agroforestry. in Oliveira PS, Koptur S (Eds). Ant-Plant Interactions: Impacts of Humans on Terrestrial Ecosystems, University Printing House, New York. DOI
Cohen H§, Quistberg RD*, Philpott SM. (2017) Vegetation management and host density influence bee-parasite interactions in urban gardens. Environmental Entomology 46: 1313 – 1321. DOI
Egerer M§, Arel C*, Otoshi MD*, Quistberg RD*, Bichier P, Philpott SM. (2017) Urban arthropods respond variably to changes in landscape context and spatial scale. Journal of Urban Ecology 3: 1-10. DOI
Egerer M§, Bichier P, Philpott SM. (2017) Landscape and local habitat correlates of lady beetle abundance and species richness in urban agriculture. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 110: 97-103. DOI
Ennis KK§, Philpott SM. (2017) Strong influences of a dominant, ground-nesting ant on the recruitment and establishment of ant colonies and communities. Biotropica 49: 521-530. DOI
Gibb H, Dunn R, Sanders N, Grossman BF, Photakis M, Abril S, Agosti D, Andersen AN, Angulo E, Armbrecht I, Arnan X, Baccaro FB, Bishop TR, Boulay R, Brühl C, Castracani C, Cerda X, Del Toro I, Delsinne T, Diaz M, Donoso DA, Ellison AM, Enriquez ML, Fayle TM, Feener Jr DH, Fisher BL, Fisher RN, Fitzpatrick MC, Gómez C, Gotelli NJ, Gove A, Grasso DA, Groc S, Guenard B, Gunawardene N, Heterick B, Hoffmann B, Janda M, Jenkins C, Kaspari M, Klimes P, Lach L, Laeger T, Lattke J, Leponce M, Lessard J-P, Longino J, Lucky A, Luke SH, Majer J, McGlynn TP, Menke S, Mezger D, Mori A, Moses J, Caswell Munyai T, Pacheco R, Paknia O, Pearce-Duvet J, Pfeiffer M, Philpott SM, Resasco J, Retana J, Silva RR, Sorger MD, Souza J, Suarez A, Tista M, Vasconcelos HL, Vonshak M, Weiser MD, Yates M, Parr CL. (2017) A global database of ant species abundances. Ecology, 98: 883-884. DOI
Hall D, Camilo GD, Tonietto RK, Ollerton J, Ahrné K, Arduser JS, Baldock KCR, Fowler RE, Frankie GW, Goulson D, Gunnarsson B, Hanley ME, Jackson JI, Langellotto G, Lowenstein D, Minor ES, Philpott SM, Potts SG, Sirohi MH, Spevak EM, Stone G, Threlfall C. (2017). The city as refuge for insect pollinators. Conservation Biology 31: 24-29. DOI
Liere H, Jha S, Philpott SM. (2017) Intersection between biodiversity conservation, agroecology and ecosystem services. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 41: 723-760. DOI
Lin BB, Philpott SM, Jha S, Liere H. (2017) Urban agriculture as a productive green infrastructure for environmental and social well-being, in Greening Cities: A Growing Imperative for Liveability and Sustainability (eds. Yok TP and CY Jim). Springer. DOI
Philpott SM, Bichier P. (2017) Local and landscape drivers of predation services in urban gardens. Ecological Applications, 27: 966-976. DOI
Plascencia M*, Philpott SM. (2017) Influences of floral abundance, richness, and spatial distribution on urban garden bee communities. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 107: 658-667. DOI
Vannette RL, Bichier P, Philpott SM. (2017) The presence of aggressive ants is associated with fewer insect visits to coffee flowers and altered floral microbe communities in coffee flowers. Basic and Applied Ecology, 20: 62-74. DOI
Maas B, Karp D, Bumrungsri SJ, Darras K, Gonthier D, Huang C-C, Lindell C, Maine J, Mestre L, Michel N, Morrison E, Perfecto I, Philpott SM, Sekercioglu CH, Silva RM, Taylor P, Tscharntke T, Van Bael S, Whelan CJ, Williams-Guillén K. (2016) Bird and bat predation services in tropical forests and agroforestry landscapes. Biological Reviews, 91: 1081-1101. DOI
Mathis KA§, Philpott SM, Ramirez S. (2016) Variation in spatial scale of competing polydomous twig-nesting ants in coffee agroecosystems. Insectes Sociaux, 63: 447-456. DOI
Marín L§, Philpott SM, De la Mora A§, Ibarra G, Tryban S, Perfecto I. (2016) Response of ground spiders to local and landscape factors in a Mexican coffee landscape. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 222: 80-92. DOI
Quistberg RD*, Bichier P, Philpott SM. (2016) Landscape and local correlates of bee abundance and species richness in urban gardens. Environmental Entomology, 45: 592-601 DOI
De la Mora A§, Pérez-Lachaud G, Lachaud J-P, Philpott SM. (2015) Local and landscape drivers of ant parasitism in a coffee landscape. Environmental Entomology, 44: 951-959 DOI
De la Mora A§, García-Ballinas JA, Philpott SM. (2015) Effects of local and landscape factors on predatory impacts of ants in coffee landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 201: 83-91 DOI
Gillette PN*, Ennis KK§, Domínguez Martínez GH, Philpott SM. (2015) Changes in species richness, abundance, and composition of arboreal twig-nesting ants along an elevational gradient in coffee landscapes. Biotropica 47: 712-722 DOI
Gibb H, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR, Watson S, Photakis M, Abril S, Andersen AN, Angulo E, Armbrecht I, Arnan X, Bacarro FB, Bishop T, Boulay R, Castracani C, Del Toro I, Delsinne T, Diaz M, Donoso D, Enríquez ML, Fayle TM, Feener Jr DH, Fitzpatrick M, Gómez C, Grasso DA, Groc S, Heterick B, Hoffmann BD, Lach L, Taeger T, Lattke J, Leponce M, Lessard J-P, Longino J, Lucky A, Menke S, Mezger D, Mori A, Munyai TC, Paknia O, Pearce-Duvet J, Pfeiffer M, Philpott SM, de Souza JLP, Tista M, Vasconcelos HL, Vonshak M, Parr CL. (2015) Climate mediates the effects of disturbance on ant assemblage structure. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282: 20150418. DOI
Jiménez-Soto ME§, Philpott SM. (2015) Size matters: Nest colonization patterns for twig-nesting ants. Ecology and Evolution 5: 3288-3298 DOI
Lin BB, Philpott SM, Jha S. (2015) The future of urban agriculture and biodiversity-mediated ecosystem services: challenges and next steps. Basic and Applied Ecology 16: 189-201 DOI
Otoshi MD*, Bichier P, Philpott SM. (2015) Local and landscape correlates of spider activity density and richness in urban gardens. Environmental Entomology, 44: 1043-1051 DOI
Burdine J*, Dominguez Martinez G, Philpott SM. (2014) Leafhopper abundance and richness in a coffee agroecosystem in Chiapas, Mexico. Environmental Entomology 43: 328-335. DOI
Jackson D, Vandermeer J, Perfecto I, Philpott SM. (2014) Population responses to environmental change in a tropical ant: the interaction of spatial and temporal dynamics. PLosOne 9: e97809. DOI
Jha S, Bacon CM, Philpott SM, Rice RA, Mendez VE, Läderach P. (2014) Shade Coffee: update on a disappearing refuge for biodiversity. BioScience 64: 416-428. DOI
Klein A-M, Boreux V, Bauhus J, Chappell JM, Fischer J, Philpott SM. (2014) Chapter 7: Forest islands in an agricultural sea. Pages 79-95 In Koh LP, and Kettle CJ. Global Forest Fragmentation, CAB International.
Pardee GL*, Philpott SM. (2014) Native plants are the bee’s knees: Local and landscape predictors of bee richness and abundance in backyard gardens. Urban Ecosystems 17: 641-659. DOI
Perfecto I, Vandermeer J, Philpott SM. (2014) Complex ecological interactions in the coffee Agroecosystem. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 45: 137-158. DOI
Philpott SM, Cotton J, Bichier P, Friedrich RL§, Moorhead LC*, Uno S, Valdez M*. (2014) Local and landscape drivers of arthropod abundance, richness, and trophic composition in urban habitats. Urban Ecosystems 17: 513-532. DOI
De la Mora A§, Murnen CJ*, Philpott SM. (2013) Local and landscape drivers of four groups of ants in coffee landscapes. Biodiversity and Conservation 22: 871-888. DOI
Gonthier DJ§, Dominguez GM, Witter J, Spongberg AL, Philpott SM. (2013) Bottom-up effects of soil quality on a coffee arthropod interaction web. Ecosphere 4: art107. DOI
Gonthier DJ§, Ennis KK§, Philpott SM, Vandermeer J, Perfecto I. (2013) Ants defend coffee from berry borer. Biological Control 58: 815-820. DOI
Livingston G*, Philpott SM, De la Mora A. (2013) Do species sorting and mass effects drive assembly in tropical agroecological landscape mosaics? Biotropica 45: 10-17. DOI
Moorhead L*, Philpott SM. (2013) Richness and composition of spiders in urban green spaces in Toledo, Ohio. Journal of Arachnology 41: 356-363. DOI
Murnen CJ*, Gonthier DJ§, Philpott SM. (2013) Food webs in the litter: Effects of food and nest addition on ant communities in coffee agroecosystems and forest. Environmental Entomology 42: 668-676. DOI
Philpott SM. (2013) Biodiversity and Pest Control Services. In: S Levin, editor. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, 2nd edition. 1: 373-385, Waltham, MA, Academic Press
Brown BV, Philpott SM. (2012) Pseudacteon Parasitoids of Azteca instabilis Ants in Southern Mexico (Diptera: Phoridae; Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Special Issue “Ants and Their Parasites” in Psyche Article ID 351232, 9 pages. DOI
Mathis KA§, Philpott SM. (2012) Current Understanding and Future Prospects of Host Selection, Acceptance, Discrimination and Regulation of Phorid Fly Parasitoids That Attack Ants. Special Issue “Ants and Their Parasites” inPsyche Article ID 895424, 9 pages. DOI
Philpott SM, Bichier P. (2012) Effects of shade tree removal on birds in coffee agroecosystems in Chiapas, Mexico. For special feature on “Biodiversity and ecosystem services in cocoa and coffee based agroforestry systems”. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 149: 171-180. DOI
Philpott SM, Pardee GL*, Gonthier D§. (2012) Cryptic biodiversity effects: Importance of functional redundancy revealed through addition of food web complexity. Ecology 93: 992-1001. DOI
Reese K*, Philpott SM. (2012) Environmental and habitat drivers of relative abundance of a suite of Azteca-attacking Pseudacteon phorid flies. Environmental Entomology 41: 1107-1114. DOI
Smukler S, Philpott SM, Jackson L, Klein A, DeClerck F, Winowiecki L and Palm C. (2012). Ecosystem Services in Agricultural Landscapes. Pages 17-52 In: JC Ingram, F DeClerck, and C Rumbaitis del Rio, editors. Integrating Ecology and Poverty Reduction: The Application of Ecology in Development Solutions. Springer.
Wang D§, Heckathorn SA, Wang W, Philpott SM. (2012) A meta-analysis of plant physiological and growth responses to high temperature and elevated CO2. Oecologia 169: 1-13. DOI
Apul DS, Philpott SM. (2011) Use of Outdoor Living Spaces and Fink’s Taxonomy of Significant Learning in Sustainability Engineering Education. Special Feature on Sustainability Education in Civil and Environmental Engineering in Journal of Professional Practice in Engineering Education and Practice 137: 69-78. DOI
Fischer J, Batáry P, Bawa KS, Burssaard L, Chappell MJ, Clough Y, Daily GC, Dorrough J, Hartel T, Jackson LE, Klein AM, Kremen C, Kuemmerle T, Lindenmayer DB, Mooney HA, Perfecto I, Philpott SM, Tscharntke T, Vandermeer J, Wanger TC, von Wehrden H. (2011) Conservation: Limits of Land Sparing. Science 334: 593. DOI
Gonthier DJ§, Witter JD, Spongberg AL, Philpott SM. (2011) Effect of nitrogen fertilization on caffeine production in coffee (Coffea arabica). Chemoecology 21: 123-130. DOI
Houdeshell H*, Friedrich R§, Philpott SM. (2011) Effects of prescribed burning on ant nesting ecology in oak savannas. American Midland Naturalist 166: 98-111. DOI
Jenkins CN, Sanders NJ, Andersen AN, Arnan X, Bruhl CA, Cerda X, Ellison AM, Fisher BL, Fitzpatrick MC, Gotelli NJ, Gove AD, Guenard B, Lattke JE, Lessard J-P, McGlynn T, Menke SB, Parr CL, Philpott SM, Vasconcelos HL, Weiser MD, Dunn RR. (2011) Global diversity in light of climate change: the case of ants. Diversity and Distributions 17: 652-662 DOI
Jha S, Bacon C, Philpott SM, Rice RA, Mendez VE, Läderach P. (2011) Shade coffee at a crossroads again: A global review of ecosystem services and farmer livelihoods. Pages 141-208 In: WB Campbell, S Lopez Ortiz, editors. Issues in Agroecology – Present Status and Future Prospectus. Springer.
Mathis KA*, Philpott SM, Moreira R. (2011) Parasite lost: Chemical and visual cues used by Pseudacteon in search of Azteca instabilis. Journal of Insect Behavior 24: 186-199. DOI
Pardee GL*, Philpott SM. (2011) Cascading indirect effects in a coffee agroecosystem: Effects of a parasitic phorid fly on ants and the coffee berry borer. Environmental Entomology 40: 581-588. DOI
De la Mora A§, Philpott SM. (2010) Wood-nesting ants and their parasites in forests and coffee agroecosystems. Environmental Entomology 39: 1473-1481. DOI
Ferguson BG, Morales H, González Rojas A, Íñiguez Pérez F, Martínez Torres ME, McAfee K, Nigh R, Perfecto I, Philpott SM, Soto Pinto L, Vandermeer J, Vidal RM, Ávila Romero LE, Bernardino H, Realpozo Reye R. (2010) La soberanía alimentaria: Cultivando nuevas alianzas entre campo, bosque y ciudad. Revista de Agroecologia de la Universidad de Murcia 4: 49-58. DOI
Gonthier DJ§, Pardee GL*, Philpott SM. (2010) Azteca instabilis ants and the defence of a coffee shade tree: an ant–plant association without mutual rewards in Chiapas, Mexico. Journal of Tropical Ecology 26: 343-346. DOI
Larsen A*, Philpott SM. (2010) Twig-nesting ants: the hidden predators of the coffee berry borer. Biotropica 42: 342-347. DOI
Livingston G*, Philpott SM. (2010) A metacommunity approach to co-occurrence patterns in a community of tropical arboreal ants. Ecological Research 25: 1129-1140. DOI
Mooney KA, Gruner DS, Barber NA, VanBael SA, Philpott SM, Greenberg R. (2010) Interactions among predators and the cascading effects of vertebrate insectivores on arthropod communities and plants. PNAS 107: 7335-7340. DOI
Moorhead L*, Philpott SM, Bichier P. (2010) Epiphyte biodiversity and the coffee agricultural matrix: Canopy stratification and distance to forest fragments. Conservation Biology 24: 737-746. DOI
Perfecto I, Vandermeer J, Philpott SM (2010) Complejidad ecológica y el control de plagas en un cafetal orgánico: Develando un servicio ecosistémico autónomo. Revista de Agroecologia de la Universidad de Murcia 5: 41-52. DOI
Philpott SM. (2010) A canopy dominant affects nest establishment and twig-nesting ant assembly in coffee agroecosystems. Oikos 119: 1954-1960. DOI
Philpott SM, Perfecto I, Armbrecht I, Parr C. (2010) Disturbance and habitat transformation. Pages 137-156 in: L Lach, C Parr, K Abbott, editors. Ant Ecology. Oxford University Press.
Uno S, Cotton J, Philpott SM. (2010) Diversity and species composition of ants in urban green spaces. Urban Ecosystems 13: 425-441. DOI
Vandermeer J, Perfecto I, Philpott SM. (2010) Ecological complexity and pest control in organic coffee production: Uncovering an autonomous ecosystem service. Bioscience 60: 516-526. DOI
Weiser MD, Sanders NJ, Agosti D, Andersen A, Arnan X, Bruhl C, Cerda X, Ellison A, Fisher B, Gibb H, Fitzpatrick MC, Gotelli NJ, Gove A, Guenard B, Janda M, Kaspari M, Laurent EJ, Lessard JP, Longino JT, Majer JD, Menke SB, McGlynn TP, Parr C, Philpott SM, Pfeiffer M, Retana J, Suarez A, Vasconcelos H, Yanoviak S, Dunn RR. (2010) A global model of canopy ant diversity: do mechanisms on the ground drive patterns in the trees? Biology Letters 6: 769-772
Chazdon RL, Harvey CA, Komar O, van Bruegel M, Ferguson BG, Griffith D, Martínez-Ramos M, Morales H, Nigh R, Soto-Pinto L, Philpott SM. (2009) Beyond reserves: A Research agenda for conserving biodiversity in tropical cultural landscapes. Biotropica 41:142-153. DOI
Dunn RR, Sanders NJ, Menke SB, Weiser MD, Fitzpatrick MC, Agosti D, Andersen A, Bruhl C, Cerda X, Ellison A, Fisher B, Gibb H, Gotelli N, Gove A, Guenard B, Janda M, Kaspari M, Laurent EJ, Longino JT, Majer J, McGlynn TP, Parr C, Philpott SM, Pfeiffer M, Retana J, Suarez A, Vasconcelos H. (2009) Climatic drivers of Hemispheric asymmetry in global patterns of ant species richness Ecology Letters 12: 324-333. DOI
Friedrich R*, Philpott SM. (2009) Nest-site limitation and nesting resources of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in urban green spaces. Environmental Entomology 38: 600-607. DOI
Philpott SM, Perfecto I, Vandermeer J, Uno S. (2009) Spatial scale and density dependence in a host parasitoid system: an arboreal ant, Azteca instabilis and its Pseudacteon phorid parasitoid. Environmental Entomology 38: 790-796. DOI
Philpott SM, Soong O, Lowenstein J, Pulido AL, Tobar-Lopez D, DeClerck FD. (2009) Functional richness and ecosystem services: Bird predation on arthropods in tropical agroecosystems. Ecological Applications 19: 1858-1867. DOI
Schroth G, Laderach P, Dempewolf J, Philpott S, Eakin H, Haggar J, Castillejos T, Garcia Moreno J, Soto Pinto L, Hernandez R, Eitzinger A, Ramirez-Villegas, J. (2009) Towards a climate change adaptation strategy for coffee communities and ecosystems in the Sierra Madre de Chiapas, Mexico. Mitigation and Adaptation of Strategies for Global Change 14: 605-625. DOI
De la Mora A§, Livingston G*, Philpott SM. (2008) Arboreal ant abundance and leaf miner damage in coffee agroecosystems. Biotropica 40: 742-746. DOI
Dietsch TV, Philpott SM. (2008) Linking consumers to sustainability: Incorporating science into eco-friendly certification. Globalizations 5: 247-258. DOI
Greenberg R, Perfecto I, and Philpott SM. (2008) Agroforestry systems as model systems for tropical ecology. Special Feature in Ecology 89: 913-914 DOI
Philpott SM, Arendt W, Armbrecht I, Bichier P, Dietsch T, Gordon C, Greenberg R, Perfecto I, Soto-Pinto L, Tejeda-Cruz C, Williams G, Valenzuela J. (2008) Biodiversity loss in Latin American coffee landscapes: reviewing evidence on ants, birds, and trees. Conservation Biology 22: 1093-1105 DOI
Philpott SM, Bichier P, Rice, R, and Greenberg, R. (2008) Biodiversity, yield, and alternative products in coffee agroecosystems in Sumatra, Indonesia. Biodiversity and Conservation 17: 1805-1820 DOI
Philpott SM, Lin BB, Jha S, Brines SA. (2008) A multi-scale assessment of hurricane impacts based on land-use and topographic features. Agriculture, Ecosystems, & Environment 128: 12-20 DOI
Philpott SM, Perfecto I, Vandermeer J. (2008) Behavioral diversity of predatory ants in coffee agroecosystems. Environmental Entomology 37: 181-191 DOI
Philpott SM, Perfecto I, Vandermeer J. (2008) Effects of predatory ants on lower trophic levels across a gradient of coffee management complexity. Journal of Animal Ecology 77: 505-511 DOI
VanBael SA, Philpott SM, Greenberg, R, Bichier P, Barber N, Mooney KA, Gruner D. (2008) Birds as predators in tropical agroforesstry systsems. Ecology 89: 928-934 DOI
Vandermeer, J, Perfecto, I, Philpott SM. (2008) Clusters of ant colonies and robust criticality in a tropical agroecosystem. Nature 451: 457-460 DOI
Vandermeer J, Perfecto I, Philpott SM, Chappell MJ. (2008) Reenfocando la conservación en el paisaje: la importancia de la matriz. Pages 75-104 in: J. Saenz, C. Harvey, editors. Biodiversidad en Paisajes Fragmentados de Mesoamérica. CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica
Delabie JHC, Jahyn B, Cardoso de Nascimento I, Mariano CSF, Lacau S, Campiolo S, Schroth G, Philpott SM, Leponce, M. (2007) Contribution of cocoa plantations to the conservation of native ants (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Formicidae) with a special emphasis on the tropical Atlantic fauna of southern Bahia, Brazil. Biodiversity and Conservation 16: 2359–2384 DOI
Dunn RR, Sanders NJ, Fitzpatrick MC, Laurent E, Lessard JP, Agosti D, Andersen A, Bruhl C, Cerda X, Ellison A, Fisher B, Gibb H, Gotelli N, Gove A, Guenard B, Janda M, Kaspari M, Longino JT, Majer J, McGlynn TP, Menke S, Parr C, Philpott S, Pfeiffer M, Retana J, Suarez A, Vasconcelos H. (2007) Global Ant Biodiversity and Biogeography–A New Database and its Possibilities. Myrmecological News 10: 77-83 DOI
Perfecto I, Armbrecht I, Philpott SM, Soto-Pinto L, Dietsch TV. (2007) Shaded coffee and the stability of rainforest margins in Latin America. Pages 227-264 in: T Tscharntke, C Leuschner, M Zeller, E Guhadja, A Bidin, editors. The stability of tropical rainforest margins, linking ecological, economic and social constraints of land use and conservation. Springer, Environmental Science Series, Heidelberg and New York.
Philpott SM, Bichier P, Rice, R, and Greenberg, R. (2007) Field testing ecological and economic benefits of coffee certification programs. Conservation Biology 21: 975-985 DOI
Jedlicka J, Greenberg R, Perfecto I, Philpott S, Dietsch, T (2006) Seasonal foraging niche shifts of tropical avian residents: resource competition at work? Journal of Tropical Ecology 22: 385-395 DOI
Philpott SM. (2006) Ant patchiness: a spatially quantitative test in coffee agroecosystems. Naturwissenschaften93: 386-392 DOI
Philpott SM, Armbrecht I. (2006) Biodiversity in tropical agroforests and the ecological role of ants and ant diversity in predatory function. Ecological Entomology 31: 369-377 DOI
Philpott SM, Perfecto I, Vandermeer J. (2006) Effects of management system and season on arboreal ant diversity and abundance in coffee agroecosystems. Biodiversity and Conservation 15: 139-155 DOI
Philpott SM, Uno S, Maldonado J. (2006) The importance of ants and high-shade management to coffee pollination and yield in Chiapas, Mexico. Biodiversity and Conservation 15: 487-501 DOI
Philpott SM. (2005) Trait-mediated effects of parasitic phorid flies (Diptera: Phoridae) on ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) competition and resource access in coffee agroecosystems. Environmental Entomology 34: 1089-1094 DOI
Philpott SM. (2005) Changes in arboreal ant populations following pruning of shade trees in Chiapas, Mexico. Agroforestry Systems 64: 219-224 DOI
Philpott SM, Foster PF. (2005) Nest-site limitation in coffee agroecosystems: artificial nests promote maintenance of arboreal ant diversity. Ecological Applications 15: 1478–1485 DOI
Philpott SM, Greenberg R, Bichier P. (2005) The influence of ants on the foraging behavior of birds in an agroforest. Biotropica 37: 467-470 DOI
Dietsch T, Philpott SM, Rice R, Greenberg R, Bichier P. (2004) Conservation policy in coffee landscapes. Science 303:365 DOI
Philpott SM, Greenberg R, Bichier P, Perfecto I. (2004) Impacts of major predators on tropical agroforest arthropods: comparisons within and across taxa. Oecologia 140:140-149 DOI
Philpott SM, Maldonado J, Vandermeer J, Perfecto I. (2004) Taking trophic cascades up a level: behaviorally-modified effects of phorid flies on ants and ant prey in coffee agroecosystems. Oikos 105: 141-147 DOI
Philpott SM, Dietsch T. (2003) Coffee and conservation: a global context and farmer involvement. Conservation Biology 17:1844-1846 DOI
Vandermeer J, Perfecto I, Ibarra-Nuñez G, Philpott S, Garcia-Ballinas JA. (2002) Ants (Azteca sp.) as potential biological control agents in organic shade coffee production in Southern Chiapas, Mexico: Complication of indirect effects. Agroforestry Systems 56:271-276 DOI