URBAN GARDENS We have examined how vegetation and ground cover influence insect, spider, and bird communities. We have documented large impacts of landscape surroundings on diversity of insects with stronger dispersal capability. news item 2 We have examined predation services in gardens. We have documented >50 species of bees in urban gardens in the central California coast. We documented that ladybugs display stronger site fidelity in gardens surrounded by more natural and open cover. Our research documents that soil nutrients, plant density, temperature, and predator presence influence pest abundance in gardens. We have surveyed gardeners to learn more about their motivations and well-being benefits derived from gardening. We have studied bee parasites and pathogens like phorid flies, RNA viruses, and parasites shared by both honeybees and bumble bees. We have monitored how local management and landscape surroundings influence the temperature and climate variability in gardens. We have done participatory research to examine water use and conservation in gardens. We have determined that bee and floral abundance benefits pollination services in gardens. If you are interested in learning more about our urban garden research, please visit https://www.urbangardenecology.com/.